Donnerstag, 09.05.2024 01:39 Uhr

The most exciting Christmas markets in the world

Verantwortlicher Autor: Giorgio Esposito EN, 21.12.2019, 18:07 Uhr
Fachartikel: +++ Reise & Tourismus +++ Bericht 8176x gelesen
On the podium of the ranking of the most exciting in the world, New York
On the podium of the ranking of the most exciting in the world, New York  Bild: Giorgio Esposito

EN [ENA] Christmas 2019 is not only a party but it is also an atmosphere, made of lights, colors, perfumes and tradition. On the podium of the ranking of the most exciting in the world, New York is on the rise which at Christmas is extraordinary and sparkling.

The most exciting Christmas markets in the world: on the podium New York, Vienna, Merano and Naples. The Advent Christmas villages remain at the top of the wishes of millions of travelers. Here are the most renowned ones Christmas is not only a party but it is also an atmosphere, made of lights, colors, perfumes and tradition. On the podium of the ranking of the most exciting in the world, New York is on the rise which at Christmas is extraordinary and sparkling. From Advent onwards, it comes alive with colorful and lively Christmas markets. In this period, 6 million tourists animate the streets of the American metropolis.

Afterwards, on November 28 the tree lights up at Rockefeller Center , (New York Christmas symbol) as well as the famous Central Park ice rink comes alive with enthusiasts. A myriad of events welcome citizens and guests of the "Big Apple" who never sleeps. In Austria the capital Vienna has the most beautiful and scenic market in Europe. During the Christmas season it is literally overrun with markets: there is practically one in every area of ​​the city. Merano in South Tyrol - From late November to early January, visitors have the opportunity to experience the authentic magic of Christmas in a romantic atmosphere. In Naples the Christmas riot is all in via San Gregorio Armeno with hundreds of shops specializing in the crib.

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